Phishing Tests

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Phishing Tests


Research Sources Suggest That Around 250 To 300 Billion Emails Are Sent Daily. Symantec And Other It Security Research Sources Suggest That Around 1 In Every 2,000 Emails Sent Is A Phishing Attack Of Some Kind. In Other Words, 135 Million Phishing Emails Are Sent Daily. We All Get Them. End Users Are The Largest, Most Vulnerable Target In Most Organizations. In Realworld Attacks, End Users Are Relentlessly Bombarded With Spear-phishing And Socially Engineered Schemes. Phishing Attacks Grow Every Year, Making An End User Security Awareness Training Program An Essential Part Of Any Serious It Security Strategy.

Cyberware’s Phishing Tests Program

Our phishing test campaigns will demonstrate how effectively your employees can resist attacks by simulating a phishing attack on your organization. Employees who understand the threats posed by phishing attacks are less likely to click malicious links, and more likely to report suspicious activity. Our phishing tests can be tailored to suit your needs:

  • We can include all your employees or a subset according to your objectives for the test.
  • Tests Run For A Month With Approximately Two Messages Targeted At Each User Per Week, With A Mix Of Standard And Custom-designed Messages.
  • We Provide Actionable Reporting and Metrics.


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